Disclaimer and Warranty

  1. The questions on this site are original. They are completely my own and are the result of diligent research and years of experience. None of the questions have been copied from the National Boards or from any other teaching or testing resource. Any resemblance on this site of questions or other text to questions in other sources is strictly coincidental.
  2. The sources used in the research for this testing site are many and varied. On numerous occasions the sources have differed from or contradicted each other. All questions used on this site were formulated according to the best attested material available. That said, there may still be questions that differ from material that you have used in study. If you notice such a case please let me know and I will recheck the facts concerning it.
  3. The format of this site and all of the questions therein are protected. Any attempt to copy and distribute my material as it appears on this site will be considered a copyright infringement and will be subject to prosecution.
  4. The originator of this site and its questions is a human being. It is completely possible that, even after hundreds of edits, there still may be typos or other careless errors hidden within the content. If you come across one of these errors and you wish to let me know about it, please be do so. I will be quick to correct it!
  5. These tests come with no guarantees. While I personally feel that using this site would be extremely helpful in getting you to pass your Boards, that doesn’t mean that using my tests will make you pass. You still need to study. And you need to retain what you study. The best course of action for every student would be to make use of every tool available and tailor your study plan to your unique learning needs. I recommend studying from several textbooks, using on line resources and taking numerous practice tests. But success depends on you!
  6. Site and Exam Warranty. While every effort has been made to ensure the reliability of this site and the exams contained herein, there may arise situations where the exam terminates prematurely, the site fails to respond, or some other difficulty is experienced. The reasons for this can include technical issues at your location or at our website hosting company. Please contact us immediately if you suspect this has occurred. Our sole remedy will be to reset you access code to allow you to take the test again. Refunds will not be given under any circumstances.
  7. This testing site has been formulated to work with your PC. At present, the appearance and performance of the pages on mobile devices may be different than what they appear on your PC.