Welcome to our Optician Practice Test Site!
Our unlimited sample tests simulate the ABO/NCLE certification exams and help you PASS your National Boards in opticianry and contact lens fitting. Testing with us can give you knowledge and confidence. Thousands of applicants have to sit their certification exams multiple times, but YOU could pass them on the very first try! All it takes is practice. Practice makes perfect, after all.
We offer two types of preparatory tests: the Practice Opticianry Exam, and the Practice Contact Lens Exam.
The opticianry exam simulates the NOCE and provides you with 100 optician questions of varying difficulty. Our contact lens exam gives you 125 contact lens questions to prepare you for the CLRE. Each of our practice exam programs can help you to ACE your Optical Boards!

Why our Practice Tests are Superior
There are other practice tests out there, even other web sites that offer some practice exams. What makes OURS so much better?
Our tests are UNLIMITED
You’ll never get the same test twice, and with over 5,000 questions in our database, you can practice with us over and over and learn something new each time!
Just like your actual ABO/NCLE Boards, there are questions from every area of optical knowledge and in all difficulty ranges. Keep taking our exams and there will be no area of opticianry or contact lens fitting you will not be prepared for.
Our exams TEACH as well as test you!
On your actual certification exams you won’t know which questions you got wrong or why. But with OUR exams, you will! Every one of our practice tests is a teachable moment. If you miss one of our questions we’ll help you never make the same mistake twice! We provide you with answers and explanations of those answers. We even do out the math for you!
Our tests are AFFORDABLE & easy to take
Unlike the $45.00 single practice exams offered on the ABO/NCLE website, our unique single tests are only $22.95! And you don’t have to sign up for a series of courses, buy books or other materials, or even create a complicated account. You just buy a test. It’s that simple. To save even more money, and purchase an even better test experience, you can buy a package of 10 single tests for only $95.00. That’s a savings of $134.50!

How to Take our Tests
To take any of our tests just click on the appropriate title below. You will have 2 hours to complete the test after which you will be given your score, the answers to the questions you missed and any explanations of the answers involved.
If you already have a test access code then select the appropriate test above and as page will open with a place to enter your code. If you have not started your test you will have an opportunity to do so then, Otherwise the results of your test will be shown.
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